About me

Hello, and welcome to my personal website!

My name is Willem Garnier, and I'm a software developer currently based in Cambridge, UK.

I'll be honest - this website is currently mainly intended for potential employers. I don't currently keep a blog, sell my services free-lance, nor offer courses or merch.

Instead, it mainly serves to let me build and share my resume using web technologies, which is a bit more enjoyable than the classic alternatives. Have a look, and don't hesitate to get in contact if you think I might be a good fit for your team! I'm always open to new opportunities.

Outside of software development, I currently spend most of my free time playing and training for Ultimate Frisbee. I've competed at the European Championships a few times, and the sport has become a very important aspect of my life since first picking it up at university.

Of course, I also share a lot of the "classic" software developer hobbies - if I'm not playing Ultimate you might often find me at a climbing wall, playing board games, or cooking. I also enjoy road cycling and hiking... and am always up for trying something new!

That's me in a nutshell. If you want to chat, please feel free to contact me anytime!

Have a great day!

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I unfortunately haven't yet taken the time to make any of my side-projects public, or build a portfolio out of them.

If you're interested in seeing how I program, your best bet is to check out my GitHub profile. Please keep in mind that a lot of the work on there is quite old and abandoned, and might not reflect how I currently approach building software.

In general, I tend to value spending my free time on some of my other hobbies outside of software development. As a result, the work I'm most proud of is often built for my employers, and I therefore can't share it publicly. I'd love to tell you (what I can) about it, though!